Friday, December 4, 2009

Saturday, November 7, 2009


yes finally we cn go west coast park
we all call each other n ask wat time they leaving the house
ten finally the shitty rain poured
ten cancelld(piece of shit)
ten all suggested to go Jurong point
*all including liyin,ruixui,fangni,nyein n huiwen*
ten i was waitin 4 bus i was drenched while walking 2 d stupid bustop
huiwen n nyein were in the bus
ten finally the f***ing bus came
ten wen i gt on the bus Huiwen looked at me n laughed no idea y?????
ten halfway thru Yaofu call me n ask wether Sab cumin or nt
ten he cry coz Sab nt cumin
i forgot to tell him tat Penguin cannopt cum ten like he was the onli boi sia....
ten we all meet at KFC ten we eat
Huiwen duno wat to buy so i offered her my cheese fries
*btw she has ulcer in her mouth which very painful when she open her mouth
ten we walk walk we go arcadeten wana watch movie
ruixui suggest watch Halloween town 2 (or some piece of shit thing)
But i n huiwen wanted watch Jenifer's body but the f***ers put that both the movie was NC16
f*** f***
wow megan fox sooooooo pretty and sexy
ten i yaofu nyein n huiwen went to comics collection ten huiwen saw the game she wanted buy but its aso NC16....(F*** the 16 year old people)
ten veri sad we went the movie there n bought tickets to watch ASTROBOY(SUCKISH MOVIE)
(just 4 fun bah...)
ten gt 1 hr til the movie starts so we went burger king n eat.....ten we sit down there
Yaofu was playing his PSP ten Huiwen Playing HerPSP ten nyein playing my phone n i playing her phone.....
ten we went to the movie.....(piece of shit)
ten l8r sae byebye n went home

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Todae sooooo fun went to library wif a bitch
Ten we came out n dunoe where to go ten go here n there
sooooo tiring...
ten went shop buy PRINGLES
n a shit thing called yam yam..(but tasty)
Nw eating the PRINGLES
AM sooooo excited for 2morow
kk bye...
i want 2 proceed with eating....lolxs

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Todae was so troublesome
I arrange us to go west coast park
i waste my money asking everyone which dae cn n wat time waste money sia
first it was on wed ten change 2 mondae ten change2 thursdae ten onli we fixed the time
which was thursdae 12pm
alot of peeps going
so many peeps going
now u noe how i waste my $$$$$$$$


Yesterdae was d last dat of sch...
so sad that i m leaving my fwens,,,
gt class party ten teacher gave us tis shity purple card n sae that we cn buy drinks but finally each card onli is up to 50 cents(WTF)
gt order pizza ten someone eat extra so idiot...
ten stupid Huiwen go n pour all the ice down my shirt
ten l8r i,yaofu,sam,huiwen,weikit,shortie went 2 west coast park
so funnnn ten we so vas, firas, indra, muffies they all
but dinosaur neva cum
sooo fun ten we go mac n eat
i want to go there again

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Last week we happily went to a museum. (History thing)
We had loads of fun..Wooo hooo.
We saw a lot of things there some good and some were just evil
My fwen was scared after cing the guardians of hell.
Their faces were like a piece of shit and my fwen gt scared.
My history cher aso sae that in the past if u point at their eyes they will follow u
until ur house and haunt u 4eva
Vas did not blieve it and he point(no big deal)
I wanted to go to the 3rd floor but no time stupid sial
coz my other fwens told me that 3rd floor very mysterious wahaha
got ghost boooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 23, 2009


Name 10 of your fwens 5 female and 5 male randomly.
4.Peng Jin
8.Shaiful a.k.a
10.Yao Fu
1.Who is 2 having a relationship with?(Firas)
17. Is 3 a male or a female?(Suli)
18. If 7 and 10 gets together,will it be a good thing?(Sabrina)(Yao Fu)
Sure!!!!!!!!101% sure. OMG yao fu lyks sabrina areadi
19. Is 1 studies good?(Elaina)
20. Is 4 single?(Peng Jin)
21. Say something about 5?(Ruixui)
Fun, Char siew and totally CRAZY
22. What do you think about 3 and 6 together?(Suli)(Zini)
No way.Suli would be BETRAYING meeee.....
23. Describe 1.(Eliana)
24. What will happens if 6 and 7 fight?(Zini)(Sabrina)
They dunno each other.
25.Do you like 8?(Shaiful aka Barbietam)
As a fwen yes but as a bf no no no 100% nono.

haha LOL

Name a friend from A-Z!
A: Ashley
B: Brittany
C: Chen xi
D: Daniel
E: Eliana
F: Firas
G: Guo Xin
H: Huiwen
I: Indra
J: Jia le
K: Karen
L: Liyin
M: Muffies
N: Nisha
O: Ong Jing Yi
P: Peng Jin
Q: Qianning
R: Raeesa
S: Shaiful
T: Tak Wai
U: Uma
V: Vasanthaan
W: Wei Kit
X: Xiu Fang
Y: Yao Fu
Z: Zini
1. Can R and S be together in BGR?(Raeesa and Shaiful)
Yup. 100%
2. how is L related to you?(Liyin)
Good fwen
3. Does Y know Z?(Yaofu and Zini)
4. If C betrays you, will you kill her?(Chenxi)
no if onli C is a gal
5. If K steals your boyfriend, what will you do?(Karen)
I would kill her.But she dun noe meh guy.
6. If B tells you that he have a crush on you, what will you do?(Brittany)
I'll laugh my ass off. She is a gal.
7. Will/did you and M get into a fight?(Muffies)
8. Who does K have a crush on?(Karen)
Don't know.
9. If L guess calls you a bitch, what will you do?(Liyin)
Pluck her feathers....LOL
10. What's the relationship between you and E?(Eliana)
Bestie fwen
11. Who does Z like?(Zini)
Meeeee. He is meh bf.
12. Who is I's best friend?(Indra)
13. What colour does Y like?(Yaofu)
I don't know! :(
14. Where does F live?(Firas)
15. Did you and C have a fight before?(Chenxi)
16. Who is H's best friend?(Huiwen)
17. What can you say about T?(Tak Wai)
He is a pimpleface , very bossy n great sabo-er. Meh whole class hates him.Fuck man tat guy.
18. If J tells you he/she has a crush on you?(Jagveer)
no no. Reject. coz goin wif someone.

testing testing 123

1. Who was the last person to call you honey?
Zini.My bee.
2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?
3. Alcohol or Cigarettes?
diao... none
4. Has someone ever sang a song to you?
5. Do you play Sudoku?
it makes my brain go boom
6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness would you survive?
ill kill a lion for food. muahaha!!
7. Who was the last person you shared a bed with?
my pillow?
8. Who do you want to text the most?
My Zini
9. Who is the last person who message you?Yana
10. What did the last message says?
Aiyo u until lyk tat 1 aahh
11. Do you like your parents?
ok lah.
12. Do you secretly like someone?
hmm... nope. openly actually? lol.
13. Why did your last relationship end?
14. Who is the very last person you hate?
Shaiful tat big fat barbieitam! Lol! But sometimes fwens fight rite.HAHAHA!!
15. Will you still like your boyfriend even if he done something wrong?
If it was big i would say a big NO but if it was a small tiny matter its ok.
16. Do you prefer to sleep or eat?
eat and sleep
17. What do you usually bring at the movies?
bag with phone, earpiece,key,wallet,psp,popcorn,coke
18. Do you know how to play poker?
Duh... hu dun noe how to play poker...
19. Do you wear your seat belt?
aiyah dun even care lol
20. What do you wear to sleep?
of course with a clothing..
21. Is your hair good?
i lyk the curls but damndamndamn troblesome
22. Is your tongue pierced?
i hope it was
23. Do you like funny or serious people better?
funny duh. we will have smth in common.
24. Who is on your mind right now?
errm.. of coz Zini b
25. Any plans for tonight?
26. Do you need a boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy?
Halo areadi happy.:D:D
27. Are you easy to get along with?
LOL! maybe
28. What is your favorite time of day?
29. Are you a generally happy person?
nah. im generally a crazy person
30. reason?[continue from question 29]
bcoz i crazy mah lol...

Sexi huh

Sexi rite....
Fyi this is no pornography......

Cute rite

Cute rite........
My cute and adorable doll a.k.a mimi

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Halo people.........
This is my newest and improved blog..
My old blog kena virus(f*ck larh...)
What 2 do everyone has sad moments.
My info::::::
Came out of tummy: 02/12/1996
Ring Ring: 9774****(muahaha)
Emailssss: i noe lame rite)
Close Friendies: Ruixiu(charsiew), Huiwen, Jocelyn(shortie), Suli(ilus), Liyin(birdie), Lakshimi(soccerplayer), Sabrina(banana), Eliana(yana), Raeesa(mafia),Huishi(sleepyhead).....................
HaTiEs:ACBA, KBKB, Bitches, bastards, backstabbers..........
Thats all folks........