Saturday, November 7, 2009


yes finally we cn go west coast park
we all call each other n ask wat time they leaving the house
ten finally the shitty rain poured
ten cancelld(piece of shit)
ten all suggested to go Jurong point
*all including liyin,ruixui,fangni,nyein n huiwen*
ten i was waitin 4 bus i was drenched while walking 2 d stupid bustop
huiwen n nyein were in the bus
ten finally the f***ing bus came
ten wen i gt on the bus Huiwen looked at me n laughed no idea y?????
ten halfway thru Yaofu call me n ask wether Sab cumin or nt
ten he cry coz Sab nt cumin
i forgot to tell him tat Penguin cannopt cum ten like he was the onli boi sia....
ten we all meet at KFC ten we eat
Huiwen duno wat to buy so i offered her my cheese fries
*btw she has ulcer in her mouth which very painful when she open her mouth
ten we walk walk we go arcadeten wana watch movie
ruixui suggest watch Halloween town 2 (or some piece of shit thing)
But i n huiwen wanted watch Jenifer's body but the f***ers put that both the movie was NC16
f*** f***
wow megan fox sooooooo pretty and sexy
ten i yaofu nyein n huiwen went to comics collection ten huiwen saw the game she wanted buy but its aso NC16....(F*** the 16 year old people)
ten veri sad we went the movie there n bought tickets to watch ASTROBOY(SUCKISH MOVIE)
(just 4 fun bah...)
ten gt 1 hr til the movie starts so we went burger king n eat.....ten we sit down there
Yaofu was playing his PSP ten Huiwen Playing HerPSP ten nyein playing my phone n i playing her phone.....
ten we went to the movie.....(piece of shit)
ten l8r sae byebye n went home